Location: United States

Sunday, January 15, 2006

ProgFaithBlogCon Carnival

Progressive Faith Blog-Con 2006

If you got up really, really, really early; then you could have heard AirAmerica Radio's first nod toward the religious left. It's too early to tell what "State of Belief" will turn into - but the timeslot won't help. Oh, well, at least they have a blog - so maybe we can get them to join the Carnival.

Tikun Olam is looking at the Abramoff scandal and its implications among the Jewish community. There's also a bit to say about Pat Robertson.

Feminary makes up in length what is missing in quantity with one rather long post - and it's worth the read.

Poor Mad Peter wonders about the Heart of the Matter.

Pause a moment at the Springhouse. If you must ponder something, consider the power of the tongue.

Father Jake takes issue with the Religious Right (which is neither) giving lessons to the Religious Left. Meanwhile, CrossLeft takes aim at war.

Apparently, bloggings is a threat to Southern Baptists. Some, however, are even more interested in blogging. Some just want to understand the will to blog. Others just want to examine how technology can effect churchwork. Lord knows, there's no shortage of problems.

Also in the news - Velveteen Rabbi discovers falafel! Next - babaganoush!

Meanwhile, I head back home and look at the gubernatorial contest. I'm not the only one looking at politics - the politics of the bookstore.

Is humor based on religion?

Sometimes, even dead chipmunks have a reason for existence.

Beware the snow ghosts!

Howie looks at the continuing self-estrangement of the Southern Baptists.

Bad news for flu sufferers.

It's De-Lurker Month.

Is the minimum wage immoral? What about the Wikipedia entry for woman?

And now, a new Southern Strategy.

A patriarch blesses and remembers.

Is it possible to get an Islamic dinner while eating Muslim?

Surrender. Love or Truth?

Take a spin on the Wheel of Life.

If you want to be included in the ProgFaithBlog Carnival, leave a comment and I'll send along an email. To anyone who was left out - I apologize and I fully blame the cable company for supplying internet service that is less than 100% reliable.

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